The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was established in the year 1991 with an annual intake of 60 Students. The members of the department have a very good experience in electrical maintenance, wiring, winding and PLC. All the wiring and winding works in the institution are effectively completed by our department. They expend time and effort on electrical fabrication works to build financial muscle.

The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering has establishedProgrammable Logic Control Lab recently. The Department is offering consultancy services in various fields like VLSI Design, Automation in Industries, Microcontrollers, PCB design, Energy Conservation and Energy Auditing.
Industrial relations are strengthened year after year to hone the technical skills of the students. Our students have suggested the modification of the control circuits in packing section of Sakthi Sugars using PLC. The very ideas is accepted by the industrial people and further process is going on. our department is conducting many continuing education courses like PLC Programming ORCAD, HDL, Domestic electric appliances repair, winding, etc.
- Electrical Machines Lab.
- Control and maintenance of electrical machines lab.
- Wiring lab.
- Winding lab.
- Electronics lab.
- Microprocessor lab.